How to Decorate a Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas tree is a time-honored practice that is nearly as old as the Christmas tree itself. And decorating the tree is probably everyone's favorite family tradition. After all, nothing says "Merry Christmas" like the fresh pine scent of a Christmas tree in the living room window!
For many, decorating a Christmas tree is easier said than done. So here are 3 simple steps in how to decorate a Christmas tree and to making your tree look its holiday best!
Step 1: Hanging Christmas Lights
First things first. The first step in how to decorate a Christmas tree is adding the lights. Tree lights typically come on green or white wire strands. You will want to choose the wire strand color that matches your tree so that the wire will remain hidden. Illuminating your Christmas tree from the inside out will give it the full, dynamic look you are looking for. Start at the base of the trunk and work your way up, wrapping lights around every major branch, moving from the trunk to the tip of the branch and back.
The two most popular types of lights to choose from when decorating your Christmas tree are incandescent lights and LED lights.
Traditional incandescent lights: Incandescent lights come in a variety of sizes and colors, and are the most popular type of tree lights. They warm up the branches of a fresh cut tree, which releases its fresh pine scent into the room. Mmmm!
LED lights: LED Christmas tree lights are newer than the traditional incandescent lights and don't produce heat. They are also more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs, which means a lower holiday energy bill. LED lights typically cost a little more, but they are flameproof, fireproof, and completely safe to put on your tree.
Design tip: Don't go lightly on the lights -- for every vertical foot of tree, you should use a strand of 100 lights.
Step 2: Hanging Christmas Tree Garlands
Garlands add a festive touch to a tree, and there are a variety of styles to choose from.
To avoid the "sausage effect"(branches bulging out between tight rows of garlands), start at the top of the tree and gradually increase the amount of garland between each wave as you work your way down the tree. Plan to use about two strands of garland for every vertical foot of tree.
To add visual interest to your tree, use a variety of garlands. Thin, beaded garlands look best hung from branch to branch; thicker ribbon and foil garlands look best wrapped loosely around the entire tree. Just use your eye and personal taste to guide you.
Step 3: Hanging Christmas Tree Ornaments
The last step in Christmas tree decorating is hanging the Christmas tree ornaments. To make sure your favorite ornaments are the star of the show, hang them in the prime viewing areas first. Next, hang your larger ornaments, taking care to space them out evenly around your tree. Then, taking care to fill in any bare spots. Next, add any speciality ornaments or items you might have such as clip-on ornaments or icicles. The final touch in trimming your tree is adding the tree topper. Make sure it can be seen from all directions and avoid using one that is too large for your tree. You don't want a droopy Angel all season, do you?
That's all there is to it! You now have a tree that worthy of Home & Gardens magazine!